
Buying a home is a significant and crucial investment in your life. We are here to offer essential information and resources to support you throughout every stage of your journey, helping you determine if homeownership is the right choice for you.

By participating in our class, you can become eligible for down payment grants and subsidy dollars, empowering you with greater purchasing power. We also provide guidance on various down payment assistance programs and lender requirements to assist you further in achieving your homeownership goals.

Steps to buying a home or multi units

  • Take Education Leader Lead Webinar or Online Self Pace (Certificate Issued Upon Completion)
  • Schedule appointment to meet with HUD Housing Counselor to Create an Action Plan. If You need additional assistance. Not required if you are “Ready Now” To buy and working with someone all you need to do is complete your education as noted above. This counseling session is more so for people not sure and want to have additional 1 on 1 time and or help getting their profile Mortgage Ready.
  • Upload your income documentation to our portal so that the 1 on 1 session is the best use of time. Our intake specialist will ensure you are all set with your appointment.
  • Your lender will play the biggest role in your refinance. You’ll want to do your homework and be comfortable with who you select to manage your new loan.